If she can live there for 100 years, continuing her life of prayer, my theory will be proven.
Azura was pleased and rewarded the hero with the Azura's Star )Well done, mortal.. Mehrunes Dagon's Quest For the strongest combination of armor, with 100 in all skills, the set would include the Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw, the Ebony Mail, both the normal and Backpath Wraithguards, Eleidon's Ward, Her.
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(The hero departed to Dagon Fel, and then levitated to the island Arrived in the island, the hero witnessed that some daedric creatures had already roamed the area, led by a Golden Saint named Staada.. But, Sheogorath has tried to sway the decision in his favor Travel there, rid the island of his minions, and bring back proof of his meddling.

Sheogorath and I have made a wager He contends that solitude causes madness, while I maintain it allows for solace and meditation.. The hero picked the creature one by one and eventually Staada herself was eliminated.. As for full helms, there are no mods I know that let them wear them Beasts can wear the Helm of Tohan, the Glass Helm, and I think the Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw.. View Entire Discussion (2 Comments) Oreyn Bearclaw, a famed hero of elven ancestory is revealed (by Malacath) as a liar and the Nerevarine is tasked with killing the last member of his bloodline, Farvyn Oreyn.. You have preserved the integrity of my wager with Sheogorath Now it will end as fated, and not due to the meddling of the Daedra Prince.. The hero did this without disturbing the priestesses and then he returned to the shrine of Azura. 5ebbf469cd